Bible Witness Ministries is a faith based ministry, not linked to any particular denomination.
The information contained on this website is for all believers in the Word of God.
We believe that all people will be judged by what they know to be spiritually true and by what is found within each person's heart, once they believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. True knowledge of spiritual things can only be found by reading the word of God and by the Holy Spirit. The holy bible is an awesome gift to mankind from God; compiled over generations to lead each soul to salvation.
The bible is our road map to life.
The information contained on this website is for all believers in the Word of God.
We believe that all people will be judged by what they know to be spiritually true and by what is found within each person's heart, once they believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. True knowledge of spiritual things can only be found by reading the word of God and by the Holy Spirit. The holy bible is an awesome gift to mankind from God; compiled over generations to lead each soul to salvation.
The bible is our road map to life.
In the scriptures, it is written that Satan's final evil deed is to deceive the nations. Over the generations, Satan has used people in high places to suppress or alter information, concerning events in the past. For this reason, it is our strong belief that the bible must ALWAYS trump any human traditional teaching, if it is not back up 100% by the scriptures.
This website has been developed to shed light on the things that Satan has attempted to covered up. Through the grace of God and by the Holy Spirit's leading, we will share these bible truths with all who have an ear to hear it.
Throughout time, institutions have altered God's holy word; sometimes with good intentions in mind. They have translated the original language of the scriptures, to make it more available to people of all languages; this is a good thing. However, in the process of translation, some spiritual lessons have been lost due to the misinterpretation of certain words. In some other cases, the word of God has been altered to water it down or to fit a specific doctrine; other than the one preached by Jesus and the apostles. Bible Witness Ministries has made it a mission to help those who seek truth, find it in the bible. By calling on the Holy Spirit, delving back into the original language of the scriptures and retaining the symbolic meanings of certain texts/words, we can learn and understand God's word. It's our mission to prove that the bible can be understood in context, without any private interpretations. By using the bible as it's own interpreter, this can be done.
Let there be no doubt, God is ALWAYS in control. The most important message to mankind within the scriptures,
of any translation, has never been lost. The message being this: Salvation can only be found in One. That One being Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. There is no one or anything under the sun that has the power to save mankind from sin and ensure everlasting life like Jesus can. A strong personal relationship with Christ is essential for any follower of the gospel. The scriptures testify of Christ. And within the bible we find who He is, what He has done and what He has in store for all who call Him Lord.
In addition to sharing bible truth, as followers of the Word, it is our responsibility to be of service to our communities and beyond. Anyone who is looking for a way to positively impact their community, can use this website as a starting point to help others understand the word of God.
New information and study materials will be made available to you, free of charge, as it becomes available.
Thank you for visiting the Bible Witness Ministries website.
This website has been developed to shed light on the things that Satan has attempted to covered up. Through the grace of God and by the Holy Spirit's leading, we will share these bible truths with all who have an ear to hear it.
Throughout time, institutions have altered God's holy word; sometimes with good intentions in mind. They have translated the original language of the scriptures, to make it more available to people of all languages; this is a good thing. However, in the process of translation, some spiritual lessons have been lost due to the misinterpretation of certain words. In some other cases, the word of God has been altered to water it down or to fit a specific doctrine; other than the one preached by Jesus and the apostles. Bible Witness Ministries has made it a mission to help those who seek truth, find it in the bible. By calling on the Holy Spirit, delving back into the original language of the scriptures and retaining the symbolic meanings of certain texts/words, we can learn and understand God's word. It's our mission to prove that the bible can be understood in context, without any private interpretations. By using the bible as it's own interpreter, this can be done.
Let there be no doubt, God is ALWAYS in control. The most important message to mankind within the scriptures,
of any translation, has never been lost. The message being this: Salvation can only be found in One. That One being Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. There is no one or anything under the sun that has the power to save mankind from sin and ensure everlasting life like Jesus can. A strong personal relationship with Christ is essential for any follower of the gospel. The scriptures testify of Christ. And within the bible we find who He is, what He has done and what He has in store for all who call Him Lord.
In addition to sharing bible truth, as followers of the Word, it is our responsibility to be of service to our communities and beyond. Anyone who is looking for a way to positively impact their community, can use this website as a starting point to help others understand the word of God.
New information and study materials will be made available to you, free of charge, as it becomes available.
Thank you for visiting the Bible Witness Ministries website.